Hazmat ToolK.I.T.

Hazmat ToolK.I.T.

The Hazmat ToolK.I.T.© is a groundbreaking invention designed to transformhazmat training into an interactive and immersive experience. This innovative tool leverages simulation technology to enhance the effectiveness of hazmat trainers and equip trainees with real-world skills.

Simulated Training Environment:

Hazmat trainers can easily create lifelike training scenarios using an interactive map interface. Within this environment, trainers draw shapes to define specific areas and assign values that mimic normal readings found on detection devices commonly used in hazmat situations.

Mobile Compatibility:

Trainees can access these tailored training scenarios directly on their mobile devices. This feature ensures that learning can take place on the go, making it convenient and accessible for individuals in the field.

Realistic Location Tracking:

The Hazmat ToolK.I.T.© includes a sophisticated location tracking system. Every trainee’s GPS location is tracked and transmitted to a database known as “LightsOn Live©“. Trainers can access a dashboard of trainees, allowing them to monitor trainee movements based on their movements. This feature provides trainers with a real-time view of trainee locations within the training scenario, enhancing the immersive learning experience.

In conclusion, the Hazmat ToolK.I.T.© is a game-changing simulator that empowers hazmat trainers and trainees with cutting-edge technology for immersive and practical training. With its competitive pricing, scenario sharing capabilities, and upcoming sensor expansion, this innovative tool is poised to revolutionize hazmat training and improve preparedness for hazardous materials incidents across the industry.

Choose Your Scenario Site

View All Scenarios Created

Draw and Edit Plume Levels

Accompanying Trainee App

Trainee’s Choose Their Scenario

Devices Act in Real-time via GPS

Hazmat ToolK.I.T.© Pricing